The following are the membership categories available at the Young Israel Of Staten Island:

Category Amount Applies To
Resident Family $950.00 Families residing in Willowbrook.
* First two years of membership $475.00 per year
Resident Single $475.00 Single individuals or single parents residing in Willowbrook.
Non-Resident S.I. $217.00 Single individuals or families residing in Staten Island but not in Willowbrook.
Non-Resident $80.00 Single individuals or families not residing in Staten Island.

In addition each resident member is assessed a $1,000.00 Building Fund, beginning in the third year of membership. The assessment is to be paid over a period of four years.

Members wishing to discuss the membership policies may contact Robert Rosenberg, President; Daniel Slomnicki, First Vice President; or Sam Shuster, Treasurer.